About Ihsan

A specialized Interest-Free Banking service with the brand name “Ihsan”. “Ihsan” (إحسان) stands for; the act of doing things in a good manner, tastefully, with excellence, perfection and any lawful/productive task in the best possible way, with purification. Our Ihsan services and products are designed to meet and satisfy the needs of our valued clients.

—— IFB Products ——

Experience unparalleled satisfaction and join the ranks of millions of delighted customers who have discovered excellence in every interaction.

— IFB Products —

Experience unparalleled satisfaction and join the ranks of millions of delighted customers who have discovered excellence in every interaction.

Saving Accounts

A type of account where individuals deposit money for safekeeping and potential growth.

Banking Services

Interest free financial services that adhere to Shariah principles, including Kafalah, Hawalah and International Trades & Services.

IFB Financing Facility

A set of financial services that adhere to Islamic principles, providing various financing options without interest.

Interest Free Microfinance

Financial services that support small businesses and individuals without charging interest, fostering economic growth and community development.

Saving Accounts

A type of account where individuals deposit money for safekeeping and potential growth.

Banking Services

Interest free financial services that adhere to Shariah principles, including Kafalah, Hawalah and International Trades & Services.

IFB Financing Facility

A set of financial services that adhere to Islamic principles, providing various financing options without interest.

Interest Free Microfinance

Financial services that support small businesses and individuals without charging interest, fostering economic growth and community development.

—— IFB News ——

— IFB News —

Siinqee Bank Organizes Iftar Dinner Cerimony for Its Customers Siinqee Bank, on Friday 15th of May 2024, hosted its Muslim customers who are observing the holy month of Ramadan to an Iftar dinner to break their fast here at Sheraton Addis Hotel in Finfinnee. The [...]

Baankiin Siinqee tajaajila Baankii Dhalarraa Bilisaa irratti Waraqaa Ragaa Argate Waltajjii marii gorsitoota Shari'aa Baankii siinqee waliin ta'amee guyyaa kalessaa 04/04/2016 sirni tajaajila Dhala irraa Bilisaa baankii siinqee (IHSAN ) gama hundaan kennaa jiru gorsitoota sharia'aatin Ji'oota jahaaf ilaalamaa fi sakatta'amaa turee guyyaa kalessaa waraqaa [...]

—-Interested in Having One?




Prepare Required Documents

Identification card: e.g. Passport, kebele id, driving license,…

Photo: – Two passport size photos



Visit our Nearest Branch

Once you have gathered your documents, visit your nearest branch.



Fill our Customer Application Form

Fill out the application form today and get ready to experience banking like never before.